Flag Botany> State true or false-`In conjugation b/w 2...
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State true or false-`In conjugation b/w 2 bacteria, one F+, and another F-, by chance if the genetic material of F+ is joined with main chromosomes of F-(which now become F+) then F+ bacteria will certainly die.`

Parth Verma , 6 Years ago
Grade 12th Pass
anser 1 Answers
Simran Vinaik

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

This statement is false.
instead by transfer of F plasmid to F- bacteria both the bacterias after conjugation will become F+.
For more information:
Bacterial conjugation is a way by which a bacterial cell transfers genetic material to another bacterial cell. The genetic material that is transferred through bacterial conjugation is a small plasmid, known as F-plasmid (F for fertility factor), that carries genetic information different from that which is already present in the chromosomes of the bacterial cell. In fact, the F-plasmid can replicate in thecytoplasmseparately from the bacterialchromosome.


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