
State true or false-`Dicumerol is known as uncoupled of oxidative phosphorylation as it uncouples H+ ions and hence stops ATP production.`

State true or false-`Dicumerol is known as uncoupled of oxidative phosphorylation as it uncouples H+ ions and hence stops ATP production.`

Grade:12th Pass

1 Answers

Simran Vinaik
askIITians Faculty 1230 Points
6 years ago
Uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria inhibit the coupling between the electron transport and phosphorylation reactions and thus inhibit ATP synthesis.

the uncouplers collapse the H+ gradient. One of the uncoupler is Dicumerol.
Below picture shoes the uncoupler and inhibitors of ETC554-1558_oxidative_phospho_.jpg

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