
Q. Natural hallucinogen is I. Mescaline II. Psilocybin. III. Hemp products I and II II and III I and III I, II and III

Q. Natural hallucinogen is
I. Mescaline
II. Psilocybin.
III. Hemp products
  1. I and II
  2. II and III
  3. I and  III
  4. I, II and III

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

askIITians Faculty 164 Points
9 years ago
Hello Student,
Please find answer to your question below:

Correct answer is 4. I, II and III
Halucinogen act mainly on CNS and greater alter one’s thought, feeling, and perceptions. they are known as psychodic drugs.
Mescaline, Psilocybin, and Hemp products are some of examples of halucinogens.

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