Flag Botany> Q : Movement of auxin is largely 1. Centr...
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Q : Movement of auxin is largely1. Centripetal2. Basipetal3. none of these4. Both B and Chow it is??

Mayank Bhargava , 6 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 2 Answers
Agrata Singh

Last Activity: 6 Years ago


Auxin is a growth promoting phytohormone. It moves mainly from the apical to the basal end (basipetally). This type of unidirectional transport is termed polar transport.

Auxin is the only plant growth hormone known to be transported polarly. Recently it has been recognized that a significant amount of auxin transport also occur acropetally (from basal end to the apical end) in the root.


Last Activity: 5 Years ago

The correct answer is (d) i.e both  (b) and ©
F.went (1928) reported that auxin is transported  basipetaly i.e it moves apical  to basal end.
However, McCready and Jocobs (1963) working on petiole segment of phaseolus vulgaris observed the acropetal movement of auxin but such type of movement occurs very little and directly dependent on presence of oxygen.
Thus, recent studies have indicated that the polar movement of auxin is  an active transport.

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