
pruning of plants promote branching because the axilary buds get sensitized to ethylene gibberelline cytokinin indole acetic acid

pruning of plants promote branching because the axilary buds get sensitized to
  1. ethylene
  2. gibberelline
  3. cytokinin
  4. indole acetic acid

Grade:12th pass

2 Answers

Apoorva Arora IIT Roorkee
askIITians Faculty 181 Points
10 years ago
Cytokinins(CK) are a class ofplant growth substancesthat promotecell division, orcytokinesis, in plant roots and shoots. They are involved primarily incellgrowth anddifferentiation, but also affectapical dominance,axillary budgrowth, and leafsenescence.Folke Skoogdiscovered their effects usingcoconut milkin the 1940s at theUniversity of Wisconsin–Madison. Pruning of plants promote branching because the axillary buds get sensitized to cytokinin.
23 Points
7 years ago
Why not auxin be correct for this as auxin promotes apical dominance and used in horticulture and make the tree grow to desirable height

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