Flag Botany> Protoplasts of two different cells can be...
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Protoplasts of two different cells can be made to fuse with the help of Polyethylene glycol(PEG) Calcium chloride Sodium bicarbonate CHI

raghav , 10 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Apoorva Arora

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

The correct option is 1.
Protoplast, from ancient Greek πρωτόπλαστος (prōtóplastos, "first-formed"), initially referred to the first human or, more generally, to the first organized body of a species. In modern biology, it has several definitions:

A protoplast is a plant, bacterial or fungal cell that had its cell wall completely or partially removed using either mechanical or enzymatic means.
Protoplasts: Have their cell wall entirely removed and are derived from gram + (gram-positive)
Spheroplasts: Have their cell wall only partially removed and are gram - (gram-negative)
More generally protoplast refers to that unit of biology which is composed of a cell's nucleus and the surrounding protoplasmic materials.

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