
Panicle of spikelet occure in which type of inflorescence?

Panicle of spikelet occure in which type of inflorescence?

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

25750 Points
6 years ago
Spikelets are small and few flowered spikes which are surrounded at the base by two scales or glumes. They occur in family Gramineae (e.g., Wheat Oat, Grass, etc.).

Compound Racemose:

It is an indefinite or indeterminate inflorescence in which the peduncle is branched in a racemose fashion with each branch bearing flowers in acropetal or centripetal fashion.

Panicle (Raceme of Racemes or Compound Raceme), e.g., Gold Mohur (Delonix), Cassia fistula, Asphodelus, Yucca, Neem (Azadirachta indica).

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