
meristem culture is practised in horticulture. this technology is used to get the haploids somaclonal variation virus-free plant callus

meristem culture is practised in horticulture. this technology is used to get the
  1. haploids
  2. somaclonal variation
  3. virus-free plant
  4. callus


3 Answers

askIITians Faculty 164 Points
9 years ago
Hello Student
Correct answer is 1) haploids
Cultivation of axillary or apical short meristem is known as meristem culture. meristem culture is used for the production of virus free plants germplasm conservation and production of transgenic plants.
Faisal mansoor
12 Points
7 years ago
The answer to this question is 3)VIRUS FREE PLANTS....Haploids can not be the correct answer.... ...................All the best...!
17 Points
7 years ago
I want to ask that what is plant name and there family which shows character like tri carpellary ovary and monocot plant...

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