
Is adventive embryony and apospory the same? if they r different ,what's that difference between adv.embryony and apospory?

Is adventive embryony and apospory the same? if
they r different ,what's that difference between adv.embryony and apospory?


1 Answers

25750 Points
5 years ago
adventive embryony. (adventitious embryogenesis) The formation of an embryo in some position other than within an embryo sac. It is a form of *apomixis . Adventive embryos may develop from somatic cells of the nucellus or chalaza (*apospory ) and may occur together with a normal zygotic embryo.
apospory (uncountable) (biology) The ability of a plant's sporophytes to form a plant that looks like a gametophyte but has the ploidy level of the sporophyte.

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