
intertribalhybrids were first obtained by which of the following scientist gibbs and hofmann(1966) gibbs and hofmann (1976) gibbs and hofmann(1982) gibbs and hoffmann(1953)

intertribalhybrids were first obtained by which of the following scientist
  1. gibbs and hofmann(1966)
  2. gibbs and hofmann (1976)
  3. gibbs and hofmann(1982)
  4. gibbs and hoffmann(1953)


1 Answers

askIITians Faculty 164 Points
9 years ago
Hello student
Correct answer is 2. Gibbs ans Hofmann (1976)
Intertribal hybrids were first obtained by Gibbs and Hofmann in 1976 from callus cels of Arabidopsis thabiana and mesophyll protoplast of Brassica Compestris.

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