
Frog feeding on herbivorous insect is A Primary consumer Your Answer B Secondary consumer Correct Answer C Tertiary consumer D Top carnivore

Frog feeding on herbivorous insect is


Primary consumer

Your Answer

Secondary consumer

Correct Answer

Tertiary consumer


Top carnivore



1 Answers

Rituraj Tiwari
askIITians Faculty 1792 Points
3 years ago
Food chain in an ecosystem is defined as the passage of food from one trophic level to the next higher trophic level. The transfer of food from one trophic level to the next level results in the passage of energy through these trophic levels. In a Grassland food chain, the initial organisms are grass. They are producers which produces food using solar energy. Insects are primary consumers. They eat plants. They are herbivores. Frog are secondary consumers. They eat insects. They are carnivores. Snake are tertiary consumers. They are carnivores and eat frogs.Thus, the correct answer is 'Secondary consumer.'

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