
find an incorrect statement for DFC starts with solar system terminates in GFC requires specific detritivores plays major role in terrestial systems

find an incorrect statement for DFC
  1. starts with solar system
  2. terminates in GFC
  3. requires specific detritivores
  4. plays major role in terrestial systems

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Apoorva Arora IIT Roorkee
askIITians Faculty 181 Points
10 years ago
a) Primary source of energy is dead organic matter called 'detritus' which are fallen leaves, plant parts or dead animal bodies.

b) Primary consumers are 'detritivores' including protozoans, bacteria, fungi, etc which feed upon the detritus saprophytically.

c) Detritivores are inturn eaten by secondary consumers such as insect larvae, nematodes, etc.

d) Detritus food chains are generally shorter than grazing food chains

e) In nature, detritus food chains are indispensable as the dead organic matter of grazing food chain is acted upon by the detritivores to recycle the inorganic elements into the ecosystem.

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