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Explain any three physical change occurring during puberty

Deepak Kumar , 7 Years ago
Grade 12th
anser 2 Answers
Pradesh bhardwaj

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

1.growth of hair at pubic areas.2. capable of producing sex cells.3. Enlargement of reproductive organs.

Amisha Bharadwaj

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

Since it has specified to EXPLAIN PHYSICAL CHANGES : 1) enlargement of pelvis in females and pectoral area in males. This is a change probably to support the respective functions that males and females do. Like, males are mostly into muscular and strength demanding work, while females have to give birth. Hence the development of required areas happens accordingly. 2) development of breasts in females, this is to feed the newborn after parturition.3) growth of pubic hairs.

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