
during photorespiration the conversion of phosphoglycolate to glycolate takes place in which cell organelle mitochondria peroxisome[chloroplast glyoxysome

during  photorespiration the conversion of phosphoglycolate to glycolate takes place in which cell organelle
  1. mitochondria
  2. peroxisome[chloroplast
  3. glyoxysome

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

askIITians Faculty 164 Points
9 years ago
Hello Student
Correct answer is Chloroplast and I think you have entered two options.
Conversion of phosphoglycolate to glycote takes place in chloroplast. Photorespiration is the uptake of O2and release of CO2in light that results from the biosynthesis of glycolate in chloroplast and subsequent metabolism of glycolic acid in the same leaf cell through other two cell organelles (peroxisome and mitochondria).

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