Flag Botany> Draw the structure of a neuron and explai...
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Draw the structure of a neuron and explain its function.

Pawan Prajapati , 3 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Harshit Singh

Last Activity: 3 Years ago

Dear Student

Functions: The information acquired at the end of the dendritic tip of a neuron sets off a chemical reaction which creates an electrical impulse. This impulse travels from the dendrite to the cell body, and then along the on to its end. At the end of on, the electrical impulse sets off the release of some chemicals, which cross the synapse and start a similar impulse in a dendrite of the next neuron.
In this way nervous impulses travel in the body. Thus, nervous tissue is made up of an organized network of neurons which are specialized for conducting information via electrical impulse from one part of the body to another.


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