Flag Botany> Draw a diagram of a nephron, and explain ...
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Draw a diagram of a nephron, and explain its structure.

Mayank Ranka , 4 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 2 Answers
Rituraj Tiwari

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

A nephronis the basic filtration unit of the kidney. It is a cluster of thin-walled blood capillaries.There aredifferent parts of the nephron in which the formation of urine take place which is the main function of the kidney.Bowman's capsule and the glomerulus are together called as the glomerular apparatus.
There are afferent and efferent arterioles which bring and carry the blood way.
The blood is filtered by the glomerulus and enters the Bowman's capsule where the podocytes help in the filtration and the glomerular filtrate is formed.
When the glomerular filtrate comes to the proximal tubule then the essential nutrients are reabsorbed.
There are two limbs of the loop of Henle, ascending and descending limb.
The countercurrent exchange mechanismoccurs which help in the regulation of the water and ions in the blood.
When the glomerular filtrate is in the proximal tubule creatinine, uric acid aresecreted in it.
When the filtrate goes to the distal convoluted tubule urea, potassium ion and some hydrogen ions are secreted in it.
The urine which is formed is transported by the collecting tubules to the renal pelvis.
The urine is transported out by the ureters to the urinary bladder to store and excrete the urine from urethra.657-335_Annotation 2020-09-07 113303.png

Vikas Amritiya

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

Dear student

A nephron is the basic filtration unit of the kidney. It is a cluster of thin-walled blood capillaries. There are different parts of the nephron in which the formation of urine take place which is the main function of the kidney. 
  • Bowman's capsule and the glomerulus are together called as the glomerular apparatus. 
  • There are afferent and efferent arterioles which bring and carry the blood way. 
  • The blood is filtered by the glomerulus and enters the Bowman's capsule where the podocytes help in the filtration and the glomerular filtrate is formed. 
  • When the glomerular filtrate comes to the proximal tubule then the essential nutrients are reabsorbed. 
  • There are two limbs of the loop of Henle, ascending and descending limb. 
  • The countercurrent exchange mechanism occurs which help in the regulation of the water and ions in the blood. 
  • When the glomerular filtrate is in the proximal tubule creatinine, uric acid are secreted in it. 
  • When the filtrate goes to the distal convoluted tubule urea, potassium ion and some hydrogen ions are secreted in it. 
  • The urine which is formed is transported by the collecting tubules to the renal pelvis. 
  • The urine is transported out by the ureters to the urinary bladder to store and excrete the urine from urethra.

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