
Beyond the saturation point, light intensity reduces photosynthesis. What is the effect called?

Beyond the saturation point, light intensity reduces photosynthesis. What is the effect called?

Grade:12th pass

2 Answers

Aabid Hussain
askIITians Faculty 576 Points
8 years ago
Hi Orooba,

Thank you for asking

After the saturation point, the light intensity decreases the rate of photosynthesis and the phenomena is known as Solarization.

The reason for this effect is photo-inhibition and photo-oxidation.

Hope the answer of the question
383 Points
8 years ago
.hello,The reason for this effect is photo-inhibition and photo-oxidation.Hope the answer of the question SolarizationAfter the saturation point, the light intensity decreases the rate of photosynthesis and the phenomena is known as

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