Flag Botany> As spiders are also involved in pollinati...
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As spiders are also involved in pollination and natural way to control the insects. Is there any specific terminology that can describe pollination by spiders? Please do not include the term entomophily as it covers all the insects that acts as pollinating agents.

Amit , 4 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
sree lakshmi

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

spiders are not insects they belongs to the order arachnids ,spiders do pollinate flowers but they are not as efficient as insects and birds , 
pollination by birds are called ornithophily 
by insects entomophily 
analysing the pattern of naming ,the names are formed by combining the greek word of creature+phily 
greek word for bird is ornitho ,for insects entomo 
and phily means liking for or tendancy towards 
following this pattern i think pollination by spider is called   ARACHNOPHILY

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