
A bacterium is capable of withstanding extreme heat, dryness and toxic chemicals. This indicates that it is properly able to form: A thick peptidoglycan wall Endospores Endotoxins Endogenous buds

A bacterium is capable of withstanding extreme heat, dryness and toxic chemicals. This indicates that it is properly able to form:
  1. A thick peptidoglycan wall
  2. Endospores
  3. Endotoxins
  4. Endogenous buds

Grade:12th pass

2 Answers

25750 Points
4 years ago
An endospore is a dormant, tough, non-reproductive structure produced by bacteria. The primary function of most endospores is to ensure the survival of a bacterium through periods of environmental stress.
Hence option B is correct
Vikas TU
14149 Points
4 years ago
Dear student 
A bacterium is capable of withstanding extreme heat dryness and toxic chemicals. This indicates that it is probably able to form. During unfavourable condition highly resistant signle spore is fomed in the bacterial cell (e.g., Tetanus and anthrax barcteria) which is known as endospore

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