
In straight lines, Lesson about concurrency of three straight lines. I have a doubt. How to understand lamda*L1 + lamda*L2 + lamda*L3=0 where L1, L2 and L2 are straight lines. what is the derivation. if L1, L2 and L3 are non zero numbers, then for any three equations, cant we just say lamda*L1 + lamda*L2 + lamda*L3=0 and they are concurrent. please explain...

In straight lines, Lesson about concurrency of three straight lines. I have a doubt.
How to understand 
lamda*L1 + lamda*L2 + lamda*L3=0
where L1, L2 and L2 are straight lines. what is the derivation.
if L1, L2 and L3 are non zero numbers, then for any three equations, cant we just say 
lamda*L1 + lamda*L2 + lamda*L3=0
and they are concurrent. please explain...


1 Answers

Saurabh Koranglekar
askIITians Faculty 10335 Points
4 years ago
Dear student

Please find the link below


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