Aditya Gupta
Last Activity: 5 Years ago
dear student, this s an ez ques. note that there would have to be m= n – k 1’s.
so, first of all arrange m 1’s in a row, and mark the spaces b/w the 1’s by crosses. also, mark the space next to the end 1’s by crosses too. so there are total (m – 1) + 2= m+1 crosses. now note that out of these m+1 crossed spaces, the k 0’s can be placed anywhere as they wouldnt be consecutive due to the presence of at least one 1.
hence the number of strings in which there are exactly k zeroes with no two 0’s consecutive= no of ways of placing 1’s * number of ways to select k places out of m+1 * number of ways of placing 0’s
= 1* m+1Ck * 1
= n – k+1Ck
kindly approve :)