
Let a,b,c E R and a (is not equal to 0) be such that (a+c) 2 2, then the quadratic equation ax 2 + bx + c = 0 has : Imaginary roots. Real roots. Exactly one real root lying in the interval(-1,1). Exactly two roots in (-1,1).

Let a,b,c E R and a (is not equal to 0) be such that (a+c)2 2,  then the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 has :
  1. Imaginary roots.
  2. Real roots.
  3. Exactly one real root lying in the interval(-1,1).
  4. Exactly two roots in (-1,1).

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4 Answers

askIITians Faculty 74 Points
10 years ago
Hello student,
Please find my response to your question below
Iam unable to interpret your query Because you didot mention the condition clearly here so without condition you may not get an exact solution,Please check the question and repost it correctly so that i can provide you with a meaningful answer
Wilby Back
23 Points
10 years ago
in the first line it is (a+c)^2
Wilby Back
23 Points
10 years ago
askIITians Faculty 74 Points
10 years ago
Hello student,
Please find my response to your question below
What does the line’a (is not equal to 0) be such that (a+c)2’mean it does not have a meaning i think there should be a condition there which is missing.
please see the question clearly and repost it.

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