Flag Algebra> if D(r)=a determinant(which is given in t...
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if D(r)=a determinant(which is given in the attached picture). then what is sigma(D(r) where r is from 1 to n

Digvijay Gadhavi , 6 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 2 Answers

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

You just have to apply sigma for one of the column and then expand
Then after simplificaton, the first column elements will be n(n+1), n, 3n.
Now expanding  the deteminant we get ,
=0 is your answer.
Please approve my answer if it helped you.

Digvijay Gadhavi

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

we have to apply sigma along first row and then elements of first row becomes n(n+1),n,n^2 respectively then taking n comman and subtract 3rd coloumn in 1st column and then first coloumn and second coloumn will become same so your answer is 0

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