If 3 lines in between the roots of the equation x^2+2mx+9=0,then m must bee in the interval?
Srijan , 11 Years ago
Grade Upto college level
1 Answers
Last Activity: 10 Years ago
Hello student, Please find the answer to your question below Givenlie s in between the roots of the equation x^2+2mx+9=0 So f(3)<0 hence we get9+6m+9<0 so m<-3..........(1) also as product of roots is +ve both must be positive or both must be -ve as 3 lies between the roots of the eqn both the roots must be +ve so discriminant>=0 4m2-36>=0 (m+3)(m-3)>=0 m(-,-3]u[3,).........(2) From 1 and 2 we get m(-,-3)
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