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explain agp formate

naveen , 11 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Saurabh Singh

Last Activity: 11 Years ago

AGP is a file format in assembly language. As per NCBI AGP consist of

What it is:Describes the assembly of a larger sequence object from smaller objects. The large object can be a contig, a scaffold (supercontig), or a chromosome. Each line (row) of the AGP file describes a different piece of the object, and has the column entries defined below. Extended comments follow.

What it is not:neither a description of how sequence reads were assembled, nor a description of the alignments between components used to construct a larger object. Not all of the information in proprietary assembly files can be represented in the AGP format. It is also not for recording the spans of features like repeats or genes.

Thanks & Regards

Saurabh Singh,

askIITians Faculty


IIT Kanpur

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