A student has to answer 10 questions choosing at least 4 from each of part A and B. If there are 6 questions in part A and 7 in part B then in how many ways can a student choose 10 questions?i know the usual approach to solve this question by making cases.. i want to know what am i doing wrong in this6C4 x 7C4 x 5C2
first i did 4 ques from 6 of part A den 4 of 7 from B and den 2 from any remaining 5??
Varun Sharma , 10 Years ago
Grade 12
2 Answers
Sher Mohammad
Last Activity: 10 Years ago
see make 3 cases , in this way this problem becomes much simpler,
part A : 4 and part B : 6
part A : 5 and part B : 5
part A : 6 and part B : 4
sher mohammad
b.tech, iit delhi
Last Activity: 6 Years ago
The question makes 3 cases...1) When 4 questions are chosen from A and rest 6 from B2) When 5 questions are chosen from A and rest 5 from B3) When 6 questions are chosen from A and rest 4 from BThis makes the answer...(6C4×7C6) + (6C5×7C5) + ( 6C4× 7C6)This makes the answer...105+126+35= 266 ways
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