Flag Algebra> 7 different coins are to be divided among...
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7 different coins are to be divided among 3 persons. if no 2 of the persons recieve the same number of coins but each recieves at least one coin and none is left over , then in how many ways division is made?

ayushman , 9 Years ago
Grade 9
anser 1 Answers
Pushparaj Patel

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

division can made in 6 ways 4,2,1 randomly then only all the conditions are follows.
you can solve these question by hit and trail methode i think so because number is small so that you can use that methode.
if first persone get 4 coins then other two get 2 and 1 so its two ways.
similarly for other two by giving 4 coins two – two ways can be possible.
so total number of ways are 6.

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