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The number of quadratic equation which are unchanged by squaring their roots is

pallavi pradeep bhardwaj , 15 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 3 Answers
Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

Dear pallavi

let x2 +bx +c=0 ............1

not let another equation whoose roots are square of this equation

so   X=x2   or   x=√X

 put value of x

  X +b√X  +c =0

 or X +c =-b√X


   X2 +c2 +2cX =b2X

   X2 +(2c-b2)X + c2 =0..................2

root of equation 2 is the square of root of equation 1

both equation will be same if their coefficient are in proportion

1/1  =b/(2c-b2)  =c/c 2

b= 2c-b2     ................3            

c=c2  ....................3

 from equation 3  c=0 or 1

 for c =0  b= 0 and -1

  for c=1  b= 1 and -2 

So, four combination are possible

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Jay Lal

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

There are four such cases x=0 root 0

(x-1)2=0  root 1

x(x+1)=0  roots  0 and 1

x2+x+1=0 roots ω and ω2 

Panchin Ganeriwal

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

The four roots are:

Equations             roots
x2 = 0                       0,0
x (x-1)=0.                 1,0
(x-1)2 = 0.                1,1
x2+x+1=0              ω  ω2
I think u all must have found out the first three equarions , but the challenge was the fourth one

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