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prove that in any perfect square the digits immediately to the left of units digit cannot be 101

ashwen venkatesh , 11 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 2 Answers
mycroft holmes

Last Activity: 11 Years ago

This makes use of the fact that every square is of the form 4k or 4k+1.


Remember that the digit in the units place of a perfect square would belong to {0,1,4,5,9}


If the last digit is 0, then the last 4 digits are 1010 and hence the remainder on division by 4 is 2.


In this way we see that the remainder set is {2,3}. Hence no perfect squares exist such that number 101 appears before the units digit

ashwen venkatesh

Last Activity: 11 Years ago

you have considered only four digit numbers but the question is general

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