Akash Kumar Dutta
Last Activity: 11 Years ago
you are correct...but its not the general solution..its a hit and trial,
the correctsolution is very easy
x^2 +x(-2cosy)+1+0 (quadratic)
x=2cosy + *sgn(4cosy^2 - 4)^1/2 / 2
x= 2cosy + 2*sgn(-siny^2)^1/2 /2
x= cosy + *sgn i.(siny)
hence x= cosy + i.siny or cosy - i.siny
x^n= cos ny + i.sin ny or cos ny - i.sin ny (de moivres theorem)
and 1/x^n = cos ny - i.sin ny or cos ny + i.sin ny (de moivres theorem for (cis y)^(-n) )
hence, x^n + 1/x^n = 2cosny (ANS)
you put x=1 and y=0,which is one set of answers for the question but does not relate x and y in amy manner.
hope i helped you...