shaswat roy
Last Activity: 14 Years ago
it is clear dat d words beginning wid A nd H will come before (1)
no. of words beginning wid A are 10!/(3!)(2!)(2!)=151200, no. of words beginning wid H are 151200/4=37800
now d 1st letter is M, 2nd letter is A let d 3rd letter b A :d no. of such words is 8!/(2!)(2!)(2!)=5040
1st is M,2nd is A, 3rd is H,4th is A let 5th b A :d no. of such words is 6!/2!=360
no. of words beginning wid MAHAH are 6!/2!=360, MAHARAA are 4!=24,MAHARAH are 4!=24,MAHARAR are 4!=24
no. of words beginning wid MAHARASA are 3!=6,MAHARASHA are 2!=2,MAHARASHR are 2!=2
thus we hav all dese words before MAHARASHTRA [ans=194842]
d main trick is to proceed from left 2 right nd keep changing d first letter wid a lower letter in d word till d 1st letter matches wid dat of d main word nd proceed similarly for d 2nd letter nd so on.