1.SIMPLIFYlog2 + 16log16/15 + 12 log + 7log81/802. IF 2logx^2y = 3 + logx - logy andx - y = 3 ......find x and y (given that x and y are +ve real numbers)3.If n = 2003! evaluate 1/log(base 2)n + 1/log(bse 3)n+.....+1/log(base2003)n4. IF logx/b-c = logy/c-a= logz/a-b then find the value of x^b+c-a.y^c+a-b+ za+b-cTHANK U........PLZ DO EXPLAIN PROCEDURE
Pooja singh , 14 Years ago
Grade 11
1 Answers
Saurabh Koranglekar
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