
SHOW THAT THE RATIO OF SUM OF FIRST n terms of gp to sum of terms from [n+1]th to [2n]th term is 1/r raise to power n

SHOW THAT THE RATIO OF SUM OF FIRST n terms of gp to sum of terms from [n+1]th to [2n]th term is 1/r raise to power n


2 Answers

askIITians Faculty 74 Points
10 years ago
Hello student,
Please find the answer to your question below
Given The numbers are in GP
Then sum of first n terms of a GP is a(rn-1)/r-1
Sum of terms from n+1 to 2n terms of a GP is a(r2n-1)/r-1
So The ratio of them gives (rn-1)/(r2n-1)=(1/rn+1)
But the 1 in denominator can be neglected because rnis>>>1
SoTHE RATIO OF SUM OF FIRST n terms of gp to sum of terms from [n+1]th to [2n]th term is (1/rn)
37 Points
10 years ago
hi farru

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