Flag AIPMT> Read the following statements :- (A) PEP ...
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Read the following statements :- (A) PEP case enzyme absent in Mesophyll cells of C3plants (B) Final product of secondary carboxylation is glucose in C4plants. (C) Primary carboxylation occur during day in CAM plants (D) CAM plants are photosynthetically more efficient compare to C3plants. Choose correct statements :- (1)A and B (2)C and D (3)B and C (4)A and D

Sayeda Mahfuja Rahman , 6 Years ago
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

Obviously option 4 is correct,but option 1 is also correct,because mesophyll cellsof c3 plants contain RUBISCO enzyme,not PEPcase .PEPcase enzyme is present in the mesophyll cells of c4 plants.The second option is correct because the secondary carboxylation occurs in thr bundle sheath cell of c4 plants.Here the malic acid breaks into pyruvate and co2 and the co2 engages in the calvin cycle here.I think u know calvin cycle produces glucose. The 3rd option is totally wrong brcause in CAM plants primary carboxylation occurs in night.The 4 th option is correct because Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) plants minimize photorespiration and save water by separating these steps in time, between night and day.

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