Flag AIPMT> My friend has 78 percentile in NEET 2017 ...
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My friend has 78 percentile in NEET 2017 with AIR 240808 andbelongs to OBC NCL with Maharashtra domicile.He’d like to know what would be his SML.Can he get a MBBS seat in a private college in state quota without donation?He scored 252.

riddhi p , 7 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Aabid Hussain

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

Dear Riddhi,

To be very honest, 252 marks is really not appreciable. That really reflect the lack of either proper concept or improper time management during the exam hour. Taking admission into any private college is not a big deal if you have good financial back up.
But i will suggest to prepare smartly, NEET is not a monster.

All the best

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