Flag AIPMT> In my previous qus (CsCl is more soluble ...
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In my previous qus (CsCl is more soluble than NaCl) someone told me that greater the size difference betwwen cation and anion greater the solubility.Please explain this properly.

Shresthahahaha , 5 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
sree lakshmi

Last Activity: 5 Years ago

The ions in a compound attract each other, and the water molecules attract the ions.
if the water molecule attract the ions in the compound than  ions have for each other, then the compound will be soluble in water.
so larger the size of ions lesser will be the attraction bitween them so greater will be the solubility in water 
for example Cs is in 6th period and Na and Cl  in the  3rd period, so size differance maximum in CsCl  hence it is more soluble than NaCl

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