
How much %of Physics from class 11 is going to come in Aipmt because m​y strength is only on class 12?

How much %of Physics from class 11 is going to come in Aipmt because m​y strength is only on class 12?


1 Answers

Umakant biswal
5349 Points
8 years ago
@ abhinab 
The trend that are folloowed in NEET are not fixed , so, we cannot define any percentage to any class subject , its recommended that they will give equal weightage in class 11 and 12 , but in 2013 , they asked more ques frm class 12 that is 23 questions from class 12 and 22 questions from class 11 , 
so, if your strong part are only class 12 , then also u cannot ignore class 11 part , if u want to score qualifying mark for govt colleges , 
so, by now there are nearly 28 days for NEET 2 . 
from now go for only formula and defination revision from ncert only for class 11 . 
pick out the ncert and remember all formula as 50 percent ques are formula based , directly put formula and get the answer . 
and donot worry , u have sufficient amount of time still , attend mock test , refer to askiitian revision notes on the site , u will be done that . 
equally focus chemistry and biology also , as bio contains 50 percent of the paper . 

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