Flag AIIMS MBBS> hello sir/mam im repeating for kcet may i...
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hello sir/mam im repeating for kcet may i no how to start reading and get medical free seat in coming exam?

kalpana , 9 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Saurabh Kumar

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

1. Be Positive & Confident:This is your first step towards success. Your enthusiasm and spirit should always be upbeat. Face the challenge boldly and courageously. Fill your mind with words and thoughts which will energize you and motivate you to succeed, words like I can, I will, I am going to do ….
2. Stay Calm & Cool always:Examination is not only a test of your knowledge but it is also a test of your nerves. While solving the paper, be calm and patient. Your mental balance and ability to withstand stress will give you a cutting edge.
3. Time Management:The students should properly plan their time. Time management is a critical factor in preparation of any exam. Students should develop habit of writing as many tests as possible. Speed and accuracy matters a lot. So, write tests with such a good speed that you can complete the tests within stipulated time or 5-10 minutes before. While revising the paper do not keep changing answers in hurry. Go through your answer sheet thoroughly before submitting to the invigilator.
4. Plan your Strategy - Professionally and Meticulously:Analyze your shortcomings and strengths to plan your strategy accordingly. Accumulate your resources and utilize them for best results. It requires strategic planning, positive attitude, hard work, careful guidance and loads of practice.
5. No shortcuts please / Revise your lessons well:Emphasis should be on the basics of the subject concerned. A thorough and dedicated approach is mandatory in preparing your lessons well. Tips and clues given by your teachers are always important. It is always good to get up early in the morning and give some uninterrupted time to study as the concentration level is very high at this time.
6. Don’t just Shoot:Well begun is half done, so intelligently, with a cool head. Read the question properly and try to understand it. If you have understood the intricacy of the questions, then half of the job is done. Paper which starts well, ends well too. Never try such questions in which you are not sure of the right choice because there is negative marking in the examination.
7. Control your Excitement and Anxiety:Resist yourself in displaying over excitement and anxiety. Your temperament is vital in handling the situation. Always act, never react.
8. Never lose your heart:If you find the question paper is not up to your expectations, do not just give away. Put all your acumen and energy to get the best out of it.
9. Remove psychological barriers, awaken your faith:It is for you to believe the fact that you can always make it possible to achieve. No hold-ups, no barriers please. Determination and hard work is the key to success. The success lies in understanding the fundamentals and regular practice.
10. All myths are not true:A common myth associated with Medical entrance exam is that it is very tough examination or that the questions are complex and difficult to crack. It is not true. It is just a different pattern of examination, which requires different approach to understand the same subject that you have studied in school.
11. Prolonged Sittings:Preparing for Medical entrance exams calls for a long haul of disciplined learning.
12. Vigilant Guardians:Parents should keep an eye on their child’s studying habits and other activities as the parents play a pivotal role in their ward’s success.
13. Focus on the target :The success formulae is to first define your goals, then decide that how you are going to go up to achieve those goals and it is the simplest recipe to achieve any kind of goal in life. You have to give up small things for achieving the big things.
14. Endless motivated Efforts:100% effort brings 100% result. The relationship between effort and results is simple, direct and proportionate. Keep yourself motivated with the spirit to win the game. Remember always, it is nothing but your fathomless belief and hard work that make you emerge successful.
15. Balanced Preparation:Relaxation also doubles productivity. Sleep cannot be your time management jump, in order to make for lost time of your waking hours do not begin to disturb your sleep cycle. This will upset your body clock. So, you cannot deprive your body the amount of relaxation time it must have. Balanced preparation means making out a balance between the preparation time and relaxation time.
16. Passion for Success:There is no substitute for hard work and unwavering passion that ignites the latent talent within you and enables you to do exceptional things in life.
17. Positive Thinking:Think positive, be positive, get positive – everything positive make you positive. Fill your mind with positive, uplifting and motivating thoughts and you will have abundant crop of success. Positive thinking has magical effects on your pursuits if you do with the instinct to win.
18. Think Big:To achieve the goal you want in life, you need extreme motivation. The bigger your dream, the bigger is your success. Motivation creates commitment, which in turn creates zeal to just make it happen. Thinking big accelerates your dynamism and makes your commitment enliven so that you might be able to achieve big eventually.
19. Luck plays no vital role in being successful:You may think successful people became successful because they were lucky, but this is not so, luck plays no part in being successful. Successful people do not go through life hoping for a favourable break. They create their break themselves. They make their own luck and that’s what you should do. The more you work, the more you get your luck.
20. Stay away from time-waster:One of the biggest time-waster is telephone and every time it rings it interrupts one; you stop whatever you are doing to answer the phone and before you know you are off to another direction.
21. Never quit half the way:Some people are in the habit of leaving jobs half finished. Quitting is a negative habit and won’t take you far in life. Once you have started something, make sure, unless the task is accomplished, you need not quit.
22. Time and tide waits for none:Time is one of the precious determinants of success because it is rightly said, “Time waits for none, treasure every moment you have.” Nothing but time management determines your success in the long run.
23. Avoid Phone calls:Do not receive visitor or attend phone calls during your learning and practice time. It distracts your attention thereby reduces your productivity in the long run. What you need to keep yourself away from phone calls.
24. Win Emotional Battle: Emotional battle starts before the real battle comes in. And the greatest battle is not physical, but emotional. Every battle is first won in the mind. So be prepared mentally, as mental toughness eventually leads to success and keep going – you are bound to succeed.
25. Hope for the Best: Don’t bother about preparation howsoever it is! Motivate yourself to give your best shot in the examination because it is the confidence, motivation and your hard work that will only make you sail through the toughest phase of examination.

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