Persons are medically considered to have lead poisoning if they have concentration of greater than 10 micrograms of lead per decilitre of blood. Concentration in parts per billion is?
Vimal Jain , 13 Years ago
Grade 12th Pass
2 Answers
Sourabh Singh
Last Activity: 8 Years ago
10 microgram is 10* 10-3 in 10-1 litres so the ratio can be written as 100/1000 g/l Now you can easily convert it to Parts per billion
Subrahmanya Bhat
Last Activity: 6 Years ago
Ppm (interms of mass by volume)=
(mass of solute) divided by volume of solution in ltr into ten to the power six.
Given mass of solute 10×10^-6 g
Volume of solution = 0.1 Ltr
On substituting in above equation you get 100 ppm as answer.
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