
Sir/Madame,I'm Rupa.I got1,36,815 as overall rank in country and 36,691 as category rank in country.My overall state rank is 17,111 and as per categoryrank it is 5050.Can I get a seat in NITWARANGAL.My branch options are ECE,EEE,MECHANICAL,CSE.

Sir/Madame,I'm Rupa.I got1,36,815 as overall rank in country and 36,691 as category rank in country.My overall state rank is 17,111 and as per categoryrank it is 5050.Can I get a seat in NITWARANGAL.My branch options are ECE,EEE,MECHANICAL,CSE.


1 Answers

Sanjeev Malik IIT BHU
101 Points
13 years ago

check at:(there the ranks are overall all indai ranks only)


also plz check these links. you can very good idea about your possibilities. 


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