
how to prepare for 2013 AIEEE entrance exam in proper manner. what are the study material to be followed

how to prepare for 2013 AIEEE entrance exam in proper manner. what are the study material to be followed



1 Answers

manu saxena
46 Points
13 years ago

Success tips for the exam

  • Speed and accuracy is an important aspect, which comes from extensive practice of similar questions.
  • Always exercise time pressure while solving AIEEE papers. In Maths use short methods for calculations, skip irrelevant steps to save time.
  • The most important thing is clarity of concepts and regular practice in problem solving.
  • AIEEE is not difficult, but tricky. However, its questions do have a need of being tackled with different tactics and perspectives.
  • Focus on solving the problems on your own, while preparing for the exam.
  • Both speed and strike rate matter. You need to be quick and accurate to achieve high scores. High speed with less accuracy can actually ruin your results.
  • Never use a calculator while preparing for the AIEEE. Being adept at mental calculations can actually increase your speed to a great extent.
  • Select your questions wisely. If you solve easy and average questions correctly, you can easily get through. You may attempt difficult ones to make merit.
  • Gather and implement tips, gain confidence, be positive, and you will ace AIEEE.

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