
which best college can i have with aieee air24000 n state(punjab) rank701 ...can i have my home nitjalandhar. if yes : then in which branch n in which expected round,,,,,,plz bro...mail me at my id( ) i ll be really thankful... m frm gen category

which best college can i have with aieee air24000 n state(punjab) rank701 ...can i have my home nitjalandhar. if yes : then in which branch n in which expected round,,,,,,plz bro...mail me at my id( i ll be really thankful...

m frm gen category


1 Answers

sushant singh
66 Points
13 years ago

well arshdeep

i think u might get ur hometown college

try to get a clear picture of the same from our panel of experts 


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