I couldnt write 12th cbse 2010 and will be writing the exam this march as a private candidate ,unexpectedly i was unable to study for the whole year due to sme private reasons. Iam obivious that i will fail this year.(although i can try pass marks , i want to imrove marks tat further wastes next 1 yr)Iam interested to pursue engineering and iam absolute sure that i could get high mark in cbse 2012and good rank in AIEEE 2012 or any other entrace exammsBut my parents are suggesting me for degree or diploma course..and iam unable to resist that..partially i don't want tat.Although i repeat this year will it induce any problems in job, interview selection(i think my 12th certificate shows passed in 2012 so they may conclude no yrs wasted??or they conclude frm my DOB??) ???Or is a degree better for me?is there any good job and respect for tat nowadays??OR should i go for repeating AIEEE along with any diploma(is tat possible)?Do you know any such cases like mine??What's the other opinions do u feel?Plz, i want ur respectful advice which i have depend on for my future prospects..
hari k , 14 Years ago
Grade 11
1 Answers
Sourabh Singh
Last Activity: 8 Years ago
Now your life is absolutely messed up . Don’t go for 1000 options .Just go for something that you like now ,Be it diploma or be it AIEEE. Make sure you choose that what you want to do .
Best of luck for whatever you want to do
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