
Dear Sir, Major News papers reported that from 2011-12, in all ICSE Schools NCERT books would be taught in class 11 & 12 just like CBSE schools. Is it going to happen? If it happens, the student community would be benefitted at least from the perspective of AIEEE entrance exam. Do you agree to it? Rishabh

Dear Sir,

Major News papers reported that from 2011-12, in all ICSE Schools NCERT books would be taught in class 11 & 12 just like CBSE schools. Is it going to happen?

If it happens, the student community would be benefitted at least from the perspective of AIEEE entrance exam. Do you agree to it?



1 Answers

878 Points
13 years ago

Dear student,

Yes there has been news but Nothing has been finalised yet...It is yet to be announced....

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