Dear askiitian expert,Iam from Tamilnadu.overall state rank:1079open category rank :679I have not been alloted a seat in the first round. I want to know whether I can get a seat in nit trichy in 3rd or 4th rounds and also in which branch probably. I saw the link u sent to me for my previous ques. but those are only AIR.I want to know my status with my state rank.Please send me a clear answer of my status.Thank you
padma desikan , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
1 Answers
namratha gopal
Last Activity: 12 Years ago
Dear askiitian expert, Iam from andhrapradesh.overall state i got 42230.iam a obc candidate i got category rank i get seat in nit warangal in last rounds.and i had a doubt in alloting seats.please send me the details as soon as possible and a clear answer to my question.its my request.thank you.
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