
this year i gave nit and secure AIR 6231. But i am confused in selecting PDPU FOR PETROL ENG. OR NIT FOR MECHENICAL ENG and also it would be glad if u enlighten me the order for selecting nit for mechenical eng.

this year i gave nit and secure AIR 6231.

But i am confused in selecting PDPU FOR PETROL ENG. OR NIT FOR MECHENICAL ENG

and also it would be glad if u enlighten me the order for selecting nit for mechenical eng.


1 Answers

Ramesh V
70 Points
14 years ago

I would ask u to go for Mechanical engineering in gud NIT rather than petrolem engg. in PDPU. As petroeum companies do require mechanical enggs, if u r so interested in oil field, u can shift to it with mechnical engg. degree too.

with yor rank of AIR 6231, browse through this website of each NIT in your respective stream to get an idea abt AIEEE 2010 counselling rank ranges

all the best




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