
My air in Ai3e2010 is 16484 overall and in category it is 13338 then my state rank is 1434 so can i get biotech in nit warangal. Secondly my state rank does not hold value for gettin biotech in nit warangal as i am from delhi but when i tried to see state wise opening and closing rank in they asked me to which state i belong i.e delhi and accordingly the list of colleges appeared which were not of delhi wwith their opening and closing rank what does that suppose to mean?

My air in Ai3e2010 is 16484 overall and  in category it is 13338 then my state rank is 1434 so can i get biotech in nit warangal.

Secondly my state rank does not hold value for gettin biotech in nit warangal as i am from delhi but when i tried to see  state wise opening and closing rank in they asked me to which state i belong i.e delhi and accordingly the list of colleges appeared which were not of delhi wwith their opening and closing rank what does that suppose to mean?


1 Answers

Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert
148 Points
14 years ago

Dear munish

I think there is some error in statewise seat allotement list in CCB .whatever state you will give its shows all the result .

I will suggest you to see institute wise seat allotment list.that is more clear for student.

in first round councelling it is difficult to get bio tech in nit warangal.

you should try in every round councelling.I hope you will get bio tech there.

last year closing rank for bio tech in 5th round councelling was 16207.this year due to the opening of 10 new NIts closing rank will further increase.

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