Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert
Last Activity: 14 Years ago
Dear unnati
Maths is the most difficult paper in IIT JEE.Maths paper contain very tricky and unique and new question every year.
most of the books are very good.but from book you will not get all the concepts required to get good rank in iit jee.
The complexity of the IIT-JEE arises from the fact that the questions are always unique in their context, and solving them often requires a combination of concepts from across different chapters.
I will suggest you to join any coaching classes.Because as you are preapearing for IIT JEE then you will face a tough comptition.
coaching classes can guide in a better way.
Please feel free to post as many doubts on our discussion forum as you can.
If you find any question Difficult to understand - post it here and we will get you
the answer and detailed solution very quickly.
We are all IITians and here to help you in your IIT JEE preparation.
All the best.
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