
My AIR is 4324 in AIEEE.My state is Bihar and catagory is OP. I want to pursue CS in best NIT's or DCE or BIT, mesra . Is it possible considering the formation of new NIT's and increase in seats at NIT's.

My AIR is 4324 in AIEEE.My state is Bihar and catagory is OP. I want to pursue CS in best NIT's or DCE or BIT, mesra . Is it possible considering the formation of new NIT's and increase in seats at NIT's.


1 Answers

Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert
148 Points
14 years ago

Dear apoorva

In NIT Warangal,Trichy,Allahabad you may not get CS branch but you can easly get Cs in other TOp NIts.

check the link for more detail.

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we will get you the answer and detailed  solution very  quickly.

 All the best.
Askiitians Experts

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