my friend has bubbled 2 bubbles in the same coloumn while filling his aieee roll no. The invigilator there told him to cross the wrong bubble out of the two and fill the next bubble as per roll no. The invigilator was very sure about this way and so my friend did the same. We have also confirmed this kind of situtation from our coaching institutions head . Such kind of incidences have happened before was confirmed by them.He has sent an email and a letter to the ASSISTANT SECRETARY of AIEEE UNIT regarding this , awaiting for their reply. <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Now I would like to ask you what effect does this have on result. Does the counselling board take it very lightly and provide result without any change by viewing the roll no. written in figures which is correct and other info.? please reply at the earliest
my friend has bubbled 2 bubbles in the same coloumn while filling his aieee roll no. The invigilator there told him to cross the wrong bubble out of the two and fill the next bubble as per roll no. The invigilator was very sure about this way and so my friend did the same. We have also confirmed this kind of situtation from our coaching institutions head . Such kind of incidences have happened before was confirmed by them.He has sent an email and a letter to the ASSISTANT SECRETARY of AIEEE UNIT regarding this , awaiting for their reply. <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Now I would like to ask you what effect does this have on result. Does the counselling board take it very lightly and provide result without any change by viewing the roll no. written in figures which is correct and other info.? please reply at the earliest